Harmony and creative flair in the long lasting beauty of shapes
Careful study of historical models and materials used in traditional buildings are continuous sources of learning and project ideas for our company. Binding the past with the present allows us to create modern projects that maintain the ancient roots of our stones.

Reliability, technical ability, competence and professionalism are at the disposal of the Public Sector in jobs of restoration, recuperation and embellishment of Buildings, Centre Squares and Historical Town Squares.
Public Buildings – A lasting commitment
The Company’s competence and professionalism, gained over time, are fundamental components sought by different public bodies, which make up many of the institutions that hire the company for the restoration and renovation of buildings, centre squares and historical town centres.
From surveys to consultations and manufacture, the Company distinguishes itself by its technical ability, reliability, and punctuality in carrying out orders, and the ability to meet specified deadlines for the execution of work.
The company’s knowledge of tradition, and their ability and craftsmanship in manufacturing stone are what ensure that beauty and value are restored to the buildings and infrastructures, pertaining to the heritage of the island.
The beauty of shapes
The Company designs and creates tailor made solutions to decorate and embellish open spaces, respecting and endorsing the different surroundings in which it operates.
The numerous jobs thus far can be distinguished by their quality and the knowledgeable use, by the Company, of different raw materials (basalt, granite, trachyte..), which guarantee durability and inalterability over time.
Valued for their style, functionality and artistic quality, the urban décor carried out by the Company is the result of tailor made solutions created to meet private and public demand, in keeping with the historical and landscape features of the surroundings.

We are capable of studying, furnishing and embellishing, with quality and style, external spaces with the use our materials. This demonstrates earnestness and durability.

Our research, creativity, innovation and wide range of products support the ideas of our clients, which magically materialise into tailor made projects in which our knowledgeable use of raw material and beautiful chromatic pairings emerge.
The creative flair
Passion for the trade, the continuous need for research and the varied methods of production characterise the Company’s workmanship in the field of private buildings, a sector in which there is ample space for their creative and innovative aspect.
The ideas of the Company, supported by extensive market research and knowledge of material, come together in custom projects where the needs of the client are interpreted and met.
Chromatic pairings emerge in the Company’s knowledgeable use of basalt, granite, trachyte and Orosei marble, which add an element of aesthetic beauty and functionality.
The eye is attracted by tricks of light and colour of the stone, in which even the simplest intervention adds beauty and artistic quality to internal and external building works.